October Monthly Setup - Bullet Journal

October Monthly Setup – Bullet Journal 2022

October Monthly Setup – Bullet Journal 2022 – October is here and it’s time to do a new Monthly Setup on your Bullet Journal, taking the time to get all the spreads ready to help you to make of this month the best of it!

Dreams and goals do not come true by themselves, we all know that, they require a little work (sometimes a lot) to make them happen!

Don’t get discourage because it’s already October and it looks like you’ll be celebrating soon the end of the year and it might look like you didn’t get everything that was in your wish list for this year done.

Every day and every month is a new start and it doesn’t matter October is the 10th month of the year, there’s always a chance to make some changes and make those dreams, wishes and goals to happen!

October Monthly Setup – Bullet Journal 2022

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Take a minute to think about what it is you want to bring in your life:

  • A different or new lifestyle
  • A new job
  • Starting your own business
  • Starting a money making blog
  • Traveling
  • Lose some weight

Anything you want to achieve can go on the list, and not as a question but as a goal to work on to achieve it, and that is why I love more about working hand in hand with a Bullet Journal or a DIY Planner, you can set a goal to achieve and make a plan to work on it!

Before you notice, you’ll see how little by little things will get better and soon you’ll be successful on each one of your goals!

You don’t have yet started your Bullet Journal or your DIY Planner? Don’t panic, today you can start setting up October and start working on a different way!

  • Set up your goals ==> Make a plan ===> Work on weekly and daily tasks === Achieve your goals and dreams!

Easy Steps For October Month Setup on your Bullet Journal or on your DIY Planner.

The Bullet Journal and a DIY Planner are very similar but on the first one you’ll be working on a notebook and you’ll be drawing all the spreads you need, on a DIY Planner you can work on a binder and you can buy the spreads you’ll be working on or you can get the free printable on the internet.

Both Planning systems work great!

As every month for the last two years, I’m sharing today the spreads I’m adding today to my DIY Planner. Hope these spreads give you some inspiration to add or to make yours, if you like them, feel free to copy them.

October Monthly Setup - Bullet Journal

October Month Cover

Drawing first with a mechanical pencil and then with an ink liner to draw the month cover, something simple and I thought to add a little fox and some leafs and some acorns on it.

Check today’s price of the mechanical pencil on Amazon.com

A small month calendar, where I already highlighted two birthdays I need to remember during this month with the Mildliner markers!.

Check Today’s price of Mildliner Markers on Amazon.com

October Monthly Setup - Bullet Journal

Monthly Calendar

I added a month calendar (half page) and I highlighted the weekends and birthdays, this way I can see what days I have to plan to work on my job and on my goals.

Weekly Spreads

I have already the 5 weekly spreads printed and added to the DIY planner and I’m ready to work on making a plan for each one of the goals for this month.

Future Log

October has 5 weeks, write down what weekly goals you have, by doing it, you won’t forget to make a plan to work on!

October Monthly Setup - Bullet Journal

Mood Tracker

The benefits of tracking your mood during one month are big, don’t forget to make your own mood tracker and have fun adding color to it every day, at the end of the month you’ll have in your hands a master piece and it will let you know more about you!

More Spreads I will add to this month are:

  • 30 Days of gratitude
  • Inspirational Quotes
  • October Bucket List
  • Mandala

Special October Days.

  • October 3: Look at the leafs day
  • October 5: Do something nice
  • October 7: World Day Of Bulling Prevention
  • October 8: National Pierogi Day
  • October 9: International Beer & Pizza Day
  • October 10: Columbus Day
  • October 22: Make A Difference Day
  • October 31: Halloween Day


Many good reasons to keep working on your Bullet Journal or on your planner during this month: October.

A month when the weather starts to change and on the North hemisphere temps will start to get cooler and the country will look beautiful with all the colors on the trees!

Life will be more indoors, time to wear cozy clothing and drink more hot chocolate or tea.

Time to continue to work on our dreams and goals and make your life better!

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October Monthly Setup - Bullet Journal