7 benefits of bullet journaling

7 Benefits Of Bullet Journaling


I have been working on my Bullet Journal for a few years now, and it has been an amazing experience; it’s easy to get organized and keep track of my whole life or just a part of it.

It’s the perfect place to keep everything well organized: your thoughts, feelings, dreams, challenges, appointments, goals, anything you want to work on to create a life you’ve been dreaming to live.

1. You can work on your journal according to your needs.

Many people can be working hand in hand with their journals to help them to achieve their goals and build up a better life for themselves, but not a single journal is the same.

You can follow the basic rules to start it but as you work on it you’ll find out what lists work better for you and which ones are not for you.

Think about what kind of life you want to create for yourself and that will be the guideline you need to follow.

2. Easy to learn how to do it and set up

As their are no rules, you can start working on your own journal with the basic information, following the first steps to follow to start your first journal.

Later you’ll get to know what pages and list work better for you to help you to keep focused and achieve your goals.

You can decide whether to start with a regular notebook or to get a fancy bullet journal at the beginning, later within time you’ll know which one works better for you.

3. It helps to develop creativity.

If you have look at some beautiful and well-designed journals shared on Social Media, and you might think you’re not good enough to do it, you don’t need to worry, the most important point when you start working on your own journal is to be you.

You don’t need to try to do it beautiful and perfect at the beginning, as you keep working on it, you’ll find your own way to express yourself to help you to get more organized and achieve your goals, when you least expect it, you’ll notice that you’ll be starting to create your own designs and I’m sure you will have your own style.

4. It will help you to keep everything well organized.

If you’re one of those people who easily gets lost doing a thousand things to do in one day, a journal will help you to get well organized and to know what tasks to work on every day and what tasks you need to get focused on those days for special events that will require all your attention.

In your journal you’ll find that list to help you to achieve any goal in an easier way.

5. It inspires productivity

You might be so used to a regular job where you get all the instructions to do day after day, monotony can drive you crazy and will kill your desire to live a better life.

As you keep working on your journal, you’ll find how easily you can work on creating new plans to improve your life, set goals for a different job, or even to start working on your own business while you keep working on that job until you reach your goal to live full time on your own business.

Every day, you can set 3 tasks to work on to get you closer to reach your goal. 10 to 30 minutes working on tasks to set everything to create a new life for yourself, in a few months you can see how far you can get.

6. It’s great to work on long term goals and projects.

If you think today about starting your own business and start living full time on it, you might see this idea as out of your reach.

Dream big and go for it!

Rome wasn’t built in one day and nor your new life, but if you set your goal as big as your dream, you can create a plan to work on day by day until you achieve that goal.

  • A new lifestyle.
  • A new house.
  • A new car
  • A trip to make.
  • Your own business.
  • Going back to school.
  • Learn a new language.

Anything that you add to this list can be a subject to work on your journal, their will be no dream you can’t achieve if you work on it.

7. Journaling free brain space.

As you keep working on your journal, you’ll notice how easy it is to get the good habit to write down everything you want to work on and not to forget about tasks you need to do next day, or next week and even next month.

You don’t need to worry about being able to try to remember everything, as you write down a new thing to work on you’ll get used to creating a list or a plan and you can relax, all you need is to get back to your journal to know the tasks to work on as the next step to achieve your goals.

You’ll see how easily it is get used to work on it, and enjoy more of your free time.


Your Bullet Journal or journal will be your best friend to help you to get more organized and make any dream you have a reality.

You’ll be working on getting to know you better and soon you’ll know your strengths where you can work with no hard work from you, but you’ll get to know those areas where you’ll need more from you to get it done.

As you keep working on your project to achieve it, you can look back at it and you will know exactly where you are, and as you work on it, you’ll find how good you are to keep at it.

If you have any question about this article, please leave a comment.

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7 benefits of bullet journaling

3 thoughts on “7 Benefits Of Bullet Journaling”

  1. Hi Alejandra
    I enjoyed reading your post. I’ve used this form of journal writing/planning /list making, for many years but didn’t realize there was an actual name for it, a ‘bullet journal’.
    The comment you made re thinking about the kind of life you want to create for yourself particularly resonated with me. This is a great starting point for any journal. I’ll use it from now on.

  2. I try to be organised and always write all my goals down or have lists of things to do for the day, I am a great believer in being prepared, planning and organising but I have never actually used a journal to do this. It tends to be on lose paper which I put in a folder. I have seen some beautiful journals on Pinterest, but I know mine would end up with scribbles as I change my mind and tick things off.

  3. H. Erin Nelson

    Hi Alejandra! Wonderful review of bullet journaling! As an author, I have always kept journals. I write in them to clear my head of numerous ideas for stories, blogs, prayers and thoughts. I have different journals for different activities. My Jesus Journal (as I call it), for personally connecting with my Creator; My Writing Journal, for keeping notes related to my books and characters; My Inspirational Journal to capture expansive thoughts that motivate me; and an Every Day Journal for miscellaneous writings, recipes, notes and insight. Creating a Bullet Journal is next on my agenda! I love the idea of bulleting ideas! Great article! Lovely written!

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