benefits of waking up early

Benefits Of Waking Up Early


I know, sometimes is hard to wake up early, but I wanted to check by myself if there’s any benefits of waking up early, and I have found that even one hour more on my day, it can give me the chance to do more and better.

As I got used to setting my alarm clock for one hour earlier, it took me sometime to get used to it, but after some time my mind and body got used to it, and today I can do it with no problem at all.

Today I can share what I can do better with just one hour more to my day.

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Having a good breakfast.

You might think that this is not a good reason to wake up earlier every morning, just because it doesn’t matter at what time you wake up, you will have breakfast.

Yes, that’s true, everybody will have a breakfast every morning, but this does not happen in real life,becaue most of the people have no time to prepare a good and healthy breakfast before they go running to their jobs.

So this is a good reason to leave the bed a few minutes earlier and have time to have a healthy breakfast that will help you to feel and think better all day long.

benefits of waking up early


Yes, this is the second benefit if you wake up one hour earlier.

Do you remember when was the last time you did some exercise?

You might have a note stick to remind yourself to do exercise in your planner and the good thing about you writting that note on a note stick, is that you can move it from one day to the next one, so you can keep that reminder in your sight, but it never happens.

Doctors recommend to do at least 30 minutes of light exercise every day, but if you don’t have time, even doing 15 minutes of exercise will do good for you and your body, and you will feel more energized.

It might take some extra work to do it every day at the first time, “waking up early to do exercise?”

Well many people do it, and they recommend everyone to do it, it doesn’t matter if you do some yoga, walk workout, pilates, jogging or cardio, as soon as you start you will notice the benefits of doing it.

Might be tough to do the first days, but keep at it, next week your body will get used to it, and by next month you won’t miss a day without doing some exercise.

Increase your productivity.

Mornings are the perfect time to work on a project you want to acomplish, but you never had the extra time to do it.

  • Write a book
  • Write a blog
  • Read a book
  • Learn a new language

You might not have a free day to sit down to read a book, but what about if you start reading a book for 10 minutes everyday, it won’t take you long before you noticed that you could finish the first book to read on your list. Now you can start reading the second book on your list tomorrow morning.

The same will happen to those other projects you want to do, but you never had time to work on them, writing a new blog post will take you one or two hours at the begining, but you can start your first blog post in one week, as you keep working on it, you will learn how to write for your audience and then you will be able to write a good blog post in less than 30 minutes.

As you work the same on the other projects on your to do list, you will feel better, as nothing feels better than knowing you’re able to do every thing you write on your list and on your Bullet Journal or planner.

benefits of waking up earlier

Plan your day.

If you think during your day, that there is not enough time to work on all those things you have to do every single day, try to work on planning your day, you wil get surprised as you learn how to do it, you will be able to do more things in the same amount of time with better results.

Thinking about many things at the same time is not a good idea, and most of us do this day after day.

Planning your day on your Bullet Journal or planner, prioritize your task, place in the first three places the most important or relevant things you need to work on to get that project or work done, that will help you to acomplish better any goals on your list.

Declutter your mind, don’t keep everything there, write it down on paper and give the relevance to every task to do and work earlier in the morning on those important things, to accomplish faster and better for your goals.

Every night you can take 10 minutes to check everything for the next day, as you wake up in the morning take a look on your planner and make a plan of action for that day, it won’t take you more that five minutes.

You will get organized to work on that day.

Be on time.

Nobody loves to be running everywhere to be on time, when you have more time to fix up a good breakfast and get ready to drive to your work place or start working from home, you will get more time to be on time anywhere.

You can drive your car slower and even have time to enjoy the drive, the earlier you leave your place then there are more chances you will have to avoid any traffic jams.

Being on time will even give you a couple of minutes to make a stop and think about what is your next task and work on it better.

benefits of waking up early

Enjoy the morning.

The last but not the least, when you have enough time to do everything on your list every morning you will find out you can be starting to enjoy the morning and you have more time to do everything in your planner, to do for that day.

More task done every day and you will be reaching your goals day by day!

You won’t feel guilty to find a spot and enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea and take a few minutes for yourself!


As you start to work on waking up ealier, dont try to wake up a couple of hours early the first day, it won’t work, and by noon you might feel tried already, and next morning you won’t be on time to start your day.

Start waking up 10 to 15 minutes earlier the first week, and do one thing that week, like having a good breakfast, add 10 or 15 minutes earlier the second week, and do some exercise and have a good breakfast, you wil be feeling better by then.

As you create a new habit, you can set your own goals, and add a little more every week, in one month you will be waking up one hour earlier and then you will notice how many things more you can do every day.

Keep working on your bullet journal or on your planner to live with new habits that help you to do better.

If you have any questions about how I wake up early every day, write a comment and I will reply to you.

What would you do with one more hours in your day?

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benefits of waking up early



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