Ideas For Your Fall Bucket List

Ideas For Your Fall Bucket List 2021 (FREE Printable)

Fall is the season that brings a few things you can’t miss, check my 20 + ideas to do and Get the FREE Printable for the Ideas For Your Fall Bucket List

Going for a walk to take a look to the beautiful colors that the new season brings everywhere is one of the must have on any Fall Bucket list, check my 20 + ideas to do.

Whether you live in the city or in the country, Fall always brings something that makes every one a little bit romantic, could be the beautiful Fall colors or it could be the weather starts to get fresh, most of the people love this season for many reasons.

Ideas For Your Fall Bucket ListIt can take a while to say good bye to the nice Summer weather and get used to wearing cozy clothing and spend more time indoors, nobody likes the idea that winter is coming and Fall is here to help everyone to get used to fresher weather and different activities.

You don’t need to worry about how to take care of yourself and your family while spending all day under the sun, temperatures are more comfortable and invites us to go out for a walk to enjoy some sunshine.

Cities and most of all small towns will be sharing the best of them during this season, nothing better to drive to the closest town near you to enjoy the beauty of the Fall country landscape.

Visiting an Apple stand during the weekend will be something that your family will remember for many years, whether you go there to pick some fresh apples or to listen to country music or to enjoy a good lunch with local food, most of it will be made with fresh products from local farms.

fIdeas For Your Fall Bucket ListIdeas For Your Fall Bucket List

1. Decorate the house for fall

You won’t get short of ideas to decorate your home for Fall, whether you’re looking to spruce the indoor with some pumpkin themed projects or to add some rustic Fall touches outside of your house.

2. Go apple picking

Nothing better to do on a weekend that to go to spend the day at an apple stand, spend the morning doing a walk in the apple orchard and pick some of your favorites (Macintosh, Gala, Apple Crisp, Lobo)

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The Montérégie area near Montreal has a big list of Apple Stands you can visit, my favorite is the Blairs Apple Stand, but in the small and beautiful town of Franklin Center, Quebec, there’s a long list of different apple stands you’ll love to visit during this time of the year.

3. Make leaf art

Trees are starting to change color and soon they will share the best version of themselves to everyone, from yellow to orange, red, brown and different shades of green, you always can pick some leaves to add some Fall touches to your home.

You always can save some leaves in a book to use them as a book marker.

4. Jump in a leaf pile

Nothing better than letting our inner child to have some fun!

If you have young children at home, bring them to have some fun too!

5. Walk through a corn maze

Have you ever had some fun visiting a corn maze, you can look on Google to find one near to you.

6. Go on a nature walk

More and more people are stepping into going for a walk to improve their health, Fall brings the best temperatures to enjoy a morning or an afternoon walk, no matter where you do it, at the city or in a small town.

7. Go hiking

Many cities and towns have a hiking paths to everyone who loves to go for a walk in nature.

8. Go star gazing

Skies will get clear during the Fall nights and this allows us to go star gazing!

9. Make a Fall wreath

Whether you use natural foliage or artificial, making a Fall wreath will be fun and it will help you to decorate your house for Fall.

10. Bake cookies

Nothing will bring nice memories to your mom or grand-mom’s house than baking cookies, if you have young children at home they will love to give you a hand.

11. Enjoy an afternoon tea

If the weather changes and it gets rainy and cool, nothing better than enjoying a good afternoon tea.

There are so many good tea flavors to choose one to enjoy on one Fall afternoon today.

12. Watch an Autumn sunrise

Do you wake up early every morning to go to work?

Get up 5 minutes earlier and watch the sunrise, from pink to orange sky that will last just a few moments while you enjoy a good coffee or tea cup.

Ideas For Your Fall Bucket List 13. Carve a Pumpkin

Nothing better to have some fun during the Fall than carving a pumpkin, go to the local farmer market and get that perfect pumpkin to carve with your kids.

14. Make apple cider

The temperatures during Fall invites to have a cup of apple cider, making an apple cider at home won’t take long and it will taste great!

15. Go to a Fall festival

16. Eat pumpkin spiced food

So many good pumpkin spiced food to have during this season: apple, coffee, cookies, tea and many more!

17. Go on a hayride

Nothing more fun like to go on a hayride while you visit a local farm or an apple stand in your area!

18. Burn Fall candles

Vanilla, cinnamon, pumpkin …

19. Go on a walk and see the colorful leaves

Visit the nearest park to your house or visit a small town.

20. Make a pie

Pumpkin or apple pie will be so good with a cup of hot coffee or hot chocolate!

21. Wear scarves


Nothing better to welcome the new season than wearing a scarf to keep you warm!

22. Eat a caramel apple

Just one?

Fall Bucket List FREE Printable

One way to be sure that you’ll be having some fun during Fall is to add a Fall Bucket List to your Bullet Journal or to your Personal Planner.

Ideas For Your Fall Bucket List It can be made by you as it doesn’t need to be a fancy one, just be sure to add all the activities you’d love to do during this season, add a check mark so you can know how many you’ve done and how many are left to be done.

But if you want to get the Fall Bucket list I made for myself, all you need is to download it and print it out.

You can add some color to it or just leave it on black and white and it will look great!

Check every activity that you have done and you can also add some activities you want to do in the area near your home.

At the end you’ll have a beautiful spread that will help you to remember the good moments you have during the Fall 2019!

Get more FREE Printables for your Bullet Journal or for your Personal Planner!

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15 thoughts on “Ideas For Your Fall Bucket List 2021 (FREE Printable)”

  1. What an awesome list of fall activities. I actually love fall! In Australia, it means that the  nasty bushfire season is over, but there is still so much sunlight and warmth in the ground so that we can star gaze and hike and do all those fun things without the fear of having to evacuate every 5 minutes. I certainly love your idea of making some cider, how much fun!

  2. Wow! Falls is a period of exploration and I really like all these suggestion you have given us here in this post and I cannot thank you enough. Normally, we do go to the movies or family dinner treats but now, I have some great ideas of possible things to give a trial to in the falls and I will just keep on surprising my family members with all these on this list. Thanks

  3. The ideas you presented in this article seems somewhat interesting, I would like to try one of these ideas one day and see if its fun to do or not. I will recommend some of these ideas to my friends to see if they would like to do one of these activities throughout the fall. Thanks for sharing all these new ideas. Bye

  4. Thank you for this post Alejandra, there are so many wonderful and interesting ideas here, I have to admit that there are many of them I wouldn’t have thought of doing but now you have mentioned them I do want to do them, I do tend to get into a rut and my life does start to get same old, same old, I think most of us end up just doing the same old usual stuff so thank you for sharing this post and giving me some different ideas.

  5. I think that your bucket list is just splendid right now. And it’s going to help not just me but my whole family. That idea of going to pick apples that are very fresh and also listening to country music is a very good one that I should participate in. It’s very good to learn all this here on your website and I will download and print out your bucket list. Thank you for a good list.

  6. Thankyou for this article, and the free printable. The only ones I probably wouldn’t do would be baking cookies, baking a pie and eating a caramel apple, due to dietary changes. But for many people those will be fun things. Other than that, they all look like fun. Some of them like going to a corn field would be a new experience. Good idea. 

    I did pin your pin to pinterest. I’m still learning pinterest so I hope it went through. This is the exact kind of thing that people like on pinterest so I hope it gets shared around a lot. And you did it in perfect timing. 

    An Autumn sunrise would be a really nice one. Autumn sunrises are always nice. 

    Fall candles are nice, I am looking forward to some nice fall aromas. 

    Walking and seeing the newly colored leaves is nice. Going to make sure to go to the Arboretum a few times this fall, maybe with friends if our schedules fit together. 

    Have a good day!

  7. Hello there, thanks for putting up this wonderful post. It somehow feels like I’m the one this post is made for. My daughter have been on my neck asking questions on how we are going to spend the fall and I reaally have to idea, well until I came across this post. Now I have alot I’ll love to do. First I’ll start with making a cider. My whole family loves it. You just made my day. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hello Chloe,

      I’m glad you find the Fall Bucket list good and it will help you to share some ideas to do during this season with your daughter, don’t forget you can download the FREE Printable and you both can check the activities you done!

  8. Truly, it is the little things done in a large way that truly matters. Who would have thought of doing all of these in the falls when I can just get busy with my gaming or going to parks. However, seeing this bucketlist, I couldn’t help but marvel at how excellent these ideas are and the reason I have never thought of them. It would make a great and fun falls. I have my fingers crossed already. Great post and thumbs up

  9. This post is indeed very informative,  I love making list of things and seasonal changes doesn’t make an exception. I’m definitely not going to let fall slip away without trying a few of these seasonal bucket list activities. You have saved me the stress of creating a bucket list for fall and I am sure it’s definitely going to be fun. Thanks for this amazing idea.

  10. Wow, this is really amazing. Funny enough it totally skipped my mind about having a plan for the fall. Its always been a period where my family and our extended members have our reunion because its been one memorable period of our lives. This year I’ll love to go picking apple with my mom, its been a long time we did that, I just want to have that feeling of baby again, lol. Nice visiting this page.

  11. Thanks for this fall bucket list.ّ Fall is my one of the lovely season and I have many fond memories of this wonderful season.I remember every year at the beginning of Autumn my Grandma would make delicious muffins with a nice cup of warm tea enjoying with family. You’ve compiled a list of the best things that can create beautiful autumn the coming days ahead I will be going to hiking as the temperature would be great for hiking activity in early Fall around here.

    I will download and print out your list and enjoy this Autumn ahead.

    Wish you the best times

    1. Hey Shirian,

      I’m glad to know you’ll be downloading the Fall Bucket List free printable! I’m sure you’ll have plenty of different activities to do during this season!

      Wish you also the best times!

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