Planning For The Holidays – Bullet Journal 2019

Time flies so fast and before you notice December will be here, and with it so many things to think about and so many things to do at the same time, Planning For The Holidays – Bullet Journal will make everything on your to do list easier!

Planning For The Holidays – Bullet Journal

When you think about how many things you will be doing on December at the same time, you might think Holidays can be the less thing you want to think about right now.

The difference between going crazy and don’t get anything ready until the last minute and get everything done in time is to have a plan to work on.

Bullet Journal as always is your best tool to keep everything organized and give you the power to do everything right and on time.

Before you see the days, weeks and months flying so fast, it’s time to take some time to work on the spreads you’ll need to help you to get organized.

Thinking on the Holidays is thinking about many things to do.

Today I want to share with you my fist spreads to help me to get organized in time for the Holidays, you can copy them if you want to, as you draw and design your own spreads you can keep them the same as mine or change something on yours!

Get my favorite ink liner on Amazon

Online Shopping Tracker.

Planning For The Holidays - Bullet JournalMore and more people are buying online, the Holidays is the busiest time of the year and some online stores will be really busy, to avoid any problems or delivering delay, it’s always good idea to start early and get better deals, prices and deliver all your buys on time.

This online shopping tracker will help you to keep everything you buy online on a spread and know exactly when you bought it, how much did you pay for it and when it’s arriving to your door.


Stocking Stuffers List.

I don’t know about you, but I always end spending lots of money buying small gifts, this year I want to get organized and get only good stocking stuffers for my family.

To avoid buying everything I see on stores, I want to keep a list of small things my family and close friends would love to get this Holidays.

The 4 Gift Christmas Plan.

Planning For The Holidays - Bullet JournalHow many times you’ve bought something for that special person in your family or a close friend thinking “this is exactly for him or her” and then you find out it wasn’t exactly what they wanted to get.

Plan with time, ask them a few questions that can help you to get them the right Christmas gift this year!

Pay attention to what they pat attention on, whenever you go to the mall or to a store, you can take a look to see what they spend a little more time looking at.

Sometimes, our family talks more on topics we don’t think is important, for them it is!.

This 4 gift Christmas plan, will help you to know what to buy for them on time for this Christmas, write down all the ideas you have, you don’t need to buy everything you write down here, but at the end you’ll end with a good list of ideas to help you to buy the right gift for everyone on your list.


Personal Wish List.

Have you ever make a personal wish list for the Holidays? or have you asked your family members to make one?

This could be a good idea to work on this year, this way everyone will know what to buy as a Christmas present for everyone.

You can ask everyone to make a personal Holiday wish list with different prices, so you can get everyone a gift the want on your budget.

Christmas Gift List.

Planning For The Holidays - Bullet JournalIt might look like “another list” to make, but this list will save you lots of time and you can relax as you’ll know exactly what you have purchased, how much did you spend on it, and when you wrapped it and when you delivered it.

Everyone will be happy to get their gifts on it for this Christmas, and you’ll get a good gift list on your Bullet Journal to help you next year to know exactly what you got for everyone on your list.


How To Make The Holidays Spreads For Your Bullet Journal

All you need to do after you get some ideas is to make a list of the spreads you want to add to your Bullet Journal.

Planning For The Holidays - Bullet JournalAny paper sheet will be good to work on it, but if you want to you can make the spreads on dotted paper, I find it helps me to draw the tablets and lines easier and it gives a nice look.

You can draw the layout first with a pencil, when you’re happy on how it looks like, you can over draw it with ink, I use a 0.3 ink liner, you can check the current price on Amazon here.

After I finish redrawing all the layouts, I like to add some color on each spread, you can add some color with any marker you have at home or with colored pencils, they will add a touch of color that will look very nice! The markers I use to add some color on these spreads are my favorite, you can read more about them and other tools I use to make my Bullet Journal Spreads HERE.

Add some doodles on each layout to make them personalized, it will help you to keep working on them.


Other list to work on for the Holidays.

  • Christmas Card List
  • Christmas Crafts list
  • Secret Santa list
  • The 12 Days of Christmas
  • Christmas Party plan
  • Chistmas Party Menu and Shopping list
  • Christmas Party guests tracker
  • Christmas Baking list
  • Christmas Eve planning
  • Christmas Day Schedule
  • Christmas Family Traditions


Planning For The Holidays - Bullet JournalThe Holidays should not be the busiest time of the year anymore, it’s all about how well we can get organized and do everything with time.

The earlier you start to work on your plans and shopping list, you’ll get more free time to enjoy the Holidays.

This will mean you don’t need to worry about last minute visit to the stores, or the gift you have on your list is out of stock!

Get the spreads for the Holidays on your Bullet Journal on time for the Season and relax and plan what to do on your free time.

You will get more free time to spend with your family doing things you love:

  • Relax and decorate your home for the Holidays, children will love to give you a hand on it.
  • Plan a visit to your city downtown to see the Christmas decorations.
  • Plan to attend to an event on your city, as you have everything ready you’ll get some free time to spend with your family doing different activities.

Get the best Bullet Journal for 2020 here!

If you find this post helpful, be awesome and give my PIN a share!

Planning For The Holidays - Bullet Journal

Christmas bullet journal spreads ideas

2 thoughts on “Planning For The Holidays – Bullet Journal 2019”

  1. Hi Alejandra,

    That is amazing organization skills. With such a planner, you will actually enjoy every bit of what you do.

    But I was wondering, if such a journal fell in the wrong hands, then all your surprises would go out of the window. What is the nest way to make sure the journal doesn’t fell in the wrong hands?

    1. Hi Khafish,
      Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog, you’re so right when you say as you work on your planner you enjoy every bit of it, as you work on it you’ll find more ways to do everything as you enjoy thinking on how to draw the layouts and add some decorations on it.
      You bring up a good question here, if someone take a pick on your planner, she/he might know what are you planning to buy for them and your surprise might not go to good.

      But the same thing can happens when you buy the gifts with time and it doesn’t matter how well you hide them, they can get found and voila!! your surprise for the Holidays will vanish in one moment.

      I think, we all need to grow up with respect to other people things and this apply to personal planners and Bullet Journal as well as personal Diaries, nobody should take a peek on them unless they ask for it.

      There will be always the risk someone take a peek on your bullet journal or planner and find what you are planning for the holidays or some events, well here is a risk we all should take, but if you’re afraid someone will take a risk, you can come up with a kind of code to write down your plans, or hide well your Holidays planner!

      If you speak a second or third language and the rest of your family does’t speak it, it might be a good idea to write your plans for the Holidays on that language 😉

      Thanks so much for bring up a good question!

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