September Monthly Setup - Bullet Journal

September Monthly Setup – Bullet Journal 2021

Time for a new Monthly Setup for Your Bullet Journal as September is already here and you can make of this month a great one, achieving your dreams and goals!

Tired of seeing time flying so fast that your dreams will never become true?

Tired of wishing a better lifestyle but it seems that will never happen?

It’s time to write down on paper your goals and dreams and work on a plan to make them happen!

Life is not a matter of luck, life is what you make happen!

September Monthly Setup - Bullet JournalAfter being working every single day on my Bullet Journal or on a planner, I’ve seen how my life has changed for good and I’ve seen a few good things happened, this is why I can say, when you write down every day, every week and every month what your goals are.

Then it’s easy to work on a plan, don’t let your goals and wishes float on the air and hoping that one day if you get lucky, then your life will change and you’ll be luckier.

It’s time to change some habits and jump in those habits that makes people luckier and happier, and why not I will add here wealthier.

September Monthly Setup – Bullet Journal 2021

September Monthly Setup - Bullet Journal

Benefits of Setting a new month on your Bullet Journal.

– You know exactly how many weeks you have to work on

– You can write down your goals and dreams for the short term

– It’s easier to make a plan

– You’ll get a list of tasks to work on

– You’ll get a road map to guide you on what you need to work on

Life will be different for you, make those small changes that have helped many to achieve everything they wanted.

Take a look to successful people and they have one thing in common: they have an agenda, a planner or a Bullet Journal all the time in their hands or on their desks and they make plans!

Lets Setup a New Month

September Month Cover

You can get inspired by the cover I made for this month, I got the idea to make a design about what is the most representative for this month.

Living in beautiful Canada, I always wait for the trees to change color, soon the landscape will be the most beautiful picture Mother Nature can bring every year.

It won’t take you long to make a sketch of it with a pencil and draw a few leaves, they don’t need to be perfect, they just need to inspire you.

Make a sketch of the month, this time is September, when you’re happy about how it looks like, draw it over with a permanent ink liner.

Add a small month calendar on this spread.

You can take a look to September 2018 Month Setup here to get more inspiration.

Future Log Spread

Every month should have this spread to help you to know in advance what you want to achieve and how on a few words you’ll be working on it.

If you have any family or personal event to attend this month, it would be a good idea to write it down here and make some small notes about it, this way you’ll know in advance you’ll be busy those days and you won’t make any other kind of appointments.

After marking down any personal or family event, you can write down on each week a word or a phrase to know your weekly goal and the tasks you’ll be working on that week.

September Monthly Setup - Bullet Journal

Mood Tracker

Every month on the Bullet Journal should have a spread to track your mood, it will help you to know more about yourself and the triggers that makes you to switch from one mood to the other.

Habit tracker.

If you keep doing what you do, you’ll get the same results.

Even that is a though reminder, it’s true, you won’t get any improvement in your life (personal, family or professional) if you don’t change any current habits.

From starting to read more or to change the way you eat, or to learn a new language, making small changes will help you to achieve everything you have in your list.

To make some habits changes, you can read how to change a habit.

30 Days of Gratitude

Abundance in life begins when you start noticing all the good you already have in your life.

Make a habit to write one word or one sentence or make a doodle to keep track of the good things that happens every day in your life.

Everything good goes on this spread:

  • A day with sunshine
  • A day with rain
  • You found a coin in the street
  • Someone smiled at you
  • You got a call from a friend you haven’t heard for a long time
  • A good news

September Bucket List

So many good ideas to do this month on your mind already, make a list and you can check them out as you do them all!

What to do on September?

  • Eat a bowl of chilli
  • Go for a nature walk
  • Pick apples
  • Make Smores
  • Go to a carnival
  • Make apple pie
  • Drink hot chocolate
  • Go to a farmers market
  • Go on a bike ride
  • Visit a corn maze
  • Have a picnic

Free September Bucket List Printable (same one you can see on the video)

This month you can download the printable I did for myself, make as many copies of it.

Download the FREE September Weekly Printable here!

This printable is blank, you can add some design made by yourself on it, write down all the appointments to attend next week and all the tasks you need to work on.

Make of this week the best week ever!

Don’t forget to take Notes.

Take as many notes as you want during this month, don’t let yourself forget what is important for you and for your family

Make a great month to remember, make it count!

Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook!

Closing Thoughts

September is here now and you can make the best of it, whether is for your family or personal life or if you have any important plans to give your professional life a push to achieve all your goals.

No goal is small, no matter what you want to achieve in your life, make it happen.

No matter what moment in life you are at right now, you can always make something to live better and happier. Make those small changes that will help you to make your dreams come true.

Don’t allow anything to keep you from reaching your dreams, no matter if nobody supports you or if everyone is beside you to hold your hand and tell you that you can do it!

You can do it, just make one thing at the time and you’ll see by the end of the month how far you go!

If you like the spreads I’m showing on this post, fell free to copy them or to download the free printables, I’ll be happy to know that you got the help you were looking for!

What are you looking to achieve during this month? – Write a comment and let me know, I’ll keep your secret!

What ink liner I used to design my Bullet Journal spreads? It’s here, you can check it out on Amazon!

You can take a look to more Month Setup here and get ideas and inspiration to make the spreads for you!

If you like this post, save it so you can come later to get more!

September Monthly Setup - Bullet Journal

5 thoughts on “September Monthly Setup – Bullet Journal 2021”

  1. The role of planning cannot be overemphasized in our daily life and to be honest, doing it in such a more advanced way that you do it, would definitely yield much more better result. Getting ti setup a bullet journal to keep track or record and plan ahead what each day would entail and how to maximize it would be great to me. I’d download the prontables for this September. Thanks

    1. Thanks so much Tracy for stopping by today to read my blog, I agree with you, we all should be taking the time to plan what we’ll be doing next week and next month to get better results on everything!

  2. Thus post is both inspirational and educative at the same time. I enjoyed this post thoroughly and I like the  idea of a bullet journal as I will be able to make out plans on it. A friend makes use of it and he says it has been really good as he uses it to make out plans and also look back at what he could have done better in the previous month. I’ll definitely try it out. Thanks for the insight and for inspiring me too.

    1. Hey Henderson!

      Thank you for taking the time to write a post, I agree with you, planning will help you to work better on any goal you have in your mind and it will help you to look back and see why something didn’t work the way you wanted.

      Planning works better when you put everything on paper!

  3. Hi Alejandra,

    It has been a pleasure for me to find searching the internet for your site related to the world of bullet journal. I confirm that I am already following you on Facebook and I have printed next September. 

    As you also explain a planner is a personal space that allows us to remember all our dreams and future work. For many years I write in them, unforgettable moments, trips made, birthdays, and also to loved that are no longer there.

    I want to congratulate you on the strength that you know how to broadcast throughout the content of your article. Thank you very much and see you soon! 

    Claudio (Argentina)

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