How to start your bullet journal

Best Deals To Start A Bullet Journal

No more questions about what I need to do today, or which of my today’s task is more important than the others.

Since I started to work with a personal planner I know exactly what to do every day. As a creative person I can find a thousand ways to find something new to do and forget about what I need to keep on doing to accomplish my goals.

My personal planner has made things easier for me. But even I still work with a personal planner to plan my work and many things more, I was missing some pages to keep on my creativity.

As I have my Pinterest I can’t miss how many people are making great journaling on Bullet Journal, it looks like taking 5 minutes to draw your own template to plan from next week meal planning your day to day tasks, and the best of this is you can make them as complicated or easy as you want to.

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The reasons to start a Bullet Journal are many:

To find the right personal planner for your needs might take a while and you will need to fit your planning need to the templates you can get from a planner.

The price for planners can go from a few dollars to real costly for a planner.

Another important reason to start your own Bullet Journal is you can be customizing a planner from scratch, you know what your planning needs are and you find the way to make it work for you in just a couple of weeks.

If you think planning a template and work on it can be time consuming, I can tell you it will get easier then you think and soon you’ll find it can save you lots of time.

After a few months of working with my Bullet Journal I can see I’m more productive than I’ve ever been before.

How to start your own Bullet Journal.

You will find you just need a few things to start working on your own Bullet Journal.

The first days and weeks might seem to be hard to find the way to work correctly but just keep at it, you’ll find soon how easy you will know exactly what your needs are and how to work on them on paper.

Buy a notebook.

You might have at home a notebook you can use to work on it, or you might want to buy a notebook to start working on it. You can go to the store to get a cheap one or you might want to look at some notebooks online to get one.

When you start to work on your bullet journal, remember you will give yourself sometime to work on it and find all the layouts you will need, so this is a learning curve and the more you keep at it the easier it will get.




You might have already a few ideas about how to plan a weeks template, so you can start to draw a template you think will work for your needs with a pencil, make a sketch first and once you’re happy with it, take your time to draw it with Staedtler pigment liner, you can use 0.3 or 0.5 point, they are indelible, waterproof on paper lightfast.

After you ink the layout you can decide to color some parts or design or not, to do this step I use Prismacolor pencils and Crayola fine markers.

Tab Dividers.

You can place some tabs or flags on your most referenced pages.

You will see you will use some pages more than others every day, make it easier for you to find them placing some tabs or flags on these pages

Decorate it.

The most important part of a Bullet Journal is you can make it totally you, you can decorate the way you love it and it will work better for you.

You can make and draw your own designs and soon you will find yourself making all kinds of wonderful lettering, to get inspired you can get this book The Art of Whimsical Lettering but I’m sure you will do great!

So, what do you think? are you ready to get your notebook and start your own Bullet Journal?

Let me know if you have any question about how to start it, so I can help you out!


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