Summer Bucket List 2021

Summer is here, sun comes out, weather is nice, and whether you’re an adult, a teen or a kid it’s time to have fun, you can get a list of ideas to do on this Summer Bucket List

School is over and kids will stay at home, it’s time to get together and make a brain storm and write down great ideas to do this Summer that kids and adults will love.

Summer Bucket List 2020

Don’t miss to read 20+ Ideas For Your Fall Bucket List

Quality time spent with the family will make good memories to everyone!

Nothing better to plan some time for activities to do with the family during the short months of nice weather.

No school stress, and this means you can take the time to stay in bed 5 more minutes and then start your day more relaxed, whether you have kids or not in your family, as schools are closed you’ll have more time to get on time to your work place and come back home more relaxed.

It’s time to plan some activities to do during the Summer where you and your family can get the best of this time of the year.

You already know how to make your plans that works for you and you have been working on your Bullet Journal or on your personal planner.

You know how important it is to plan ahead with time so you can do everything on your to do list and get everything done on time and then you know in advance how much free time you have each day and each week!

Planning Summer activities in advance will help you to keep everything under control.

You can know in advance what you’re doing every week and every weekend, you can get everything you’ll need to do any activity on your Summer Bucket List, and you know also how much it will cost you.

Summer fun doesn’t mean you’ll be spending more money for what you have in mind, some activities to do with the family are for free and you all can have lots of fun while you do that activity.

Some activities are on the low cost range and you can plan a few of them, and when you get to the high cost activities to do during the Summer, you can plan one or two to take your family on a Summer vacation, everything will depend on your budget.

At the end of the Summer you won’t be broke but you and your family will have lots of good memories that will help you to build your family stronger.

Summer Bucket List 2020

Summer is here and it’s time to make plans for the next two months.

As you open your Bullet Journal or your personal planner, be sure you have the Summer Bucket list already made so you can highlight days or hours that you’ll be spending quality time with your family before you plan other activities.

If you have a regular job, keep weekdays marked as busy, but you can make some plans for the weekends and for the Holidays in your country, depending on what country you live.

Make a plan first for you, this way you’ll know how much time you will decide for each Summer activity and how much money it will cost you.

Make a Summer Activity Calendar For The Family.

Once you know what days you and your family will be having for Summer activities, you can make a calendar with the different activities on it and place the calendar where your family can see it.

This way, everyone in your family can take a look to the Summer activities calendar.

If you have young children at home, you can make the Summer activities calendar for them with some activities doodles so they can understand it.

For young children it is hard to keep track of the days while they wait for a fun activity, they’ll be asking you “how many days left to this activity or that activity” and most of the young children will ask you “how many nights left for this or for that”

You can help them to mark the days on the calendar, it will make easier for them to keep track of the days or nights they need to wait.

Make a Summer Doodle Calendar.

To help your children to have good memories from Summer vacations, give each one of them a calendar paper sheet and encourage them to make a doodle on each day.

At the end of the Summer they will have two months calendars filled with doodles and they will make a good memory they can keep.

If your children are old enough to keep a Summer Gratitude Calendar, you can give them two copies of the Gratitude Month Calendar so they can write one to three thing’s they are grateful for every day.

You can also keep a Summer Gratitude Calendar on your Bullet Journal or on your personal planner.

Enjoy the small and simple thing’s life brings you and also enjoy the big moment’s.

Summer Bucket List

  1. Go swimming
  2. Picnic
  3. Blow Bubbles
  4. Ride bikes BBQ
  5. Fly a kite
  6. Make pizza
  7. Jump rope
  8. Pyjama Day
  9. Frisbee
  10. Family Game Night
  11. Dance
  12. Make a craft
  13. Star Gaze
  14. Pick Berries
  15. Sign
  16. Go to the zoo
  17. Go to the lake
  18. Grow a garden
  19. Go hiking
  20. Skip rocks
  21. Visit a new park
  22. Read a book
  23. Go kayaking
  24. Sew
  25. Rent a boat for a day
  26. Visit a museum
  27. Visit a farm
  28. Visit a lighthouse
  29. Make Daisy chain
  30. Target practice
  31. Draw
  32. Visit a town fair
  33. Nap in a hammock
  34. Cloud Gazing
  35. Take a scenic drive
  36. Go on a road trip
  37. Outdoor meal from a food truck
  38. Visit a historical site
  39. Visit a new city
  40. Go to an aquarium
  41. Watch sunset
  42. Outdoor concert
  43. Tour the city
  44. Do something new
  45. Watch a parade
  46. Visit a Sunflower field
  47. Strawberry Picking
  48. Star Gazing
  49. Fireworks

How To Make A Summer Bucket List Spread For Your Bullet Journal

On this post I’m sharing some affiliate links to Amazon, this way you can take a look on the same sketching and drawing tools I used to create the spreads for my Bullet Journal. When you make a purchase using my affiliate links I get a small % of your purchase, this way you help me to keep working on my blog!Summer bucket list free printable


There’re many ways you can make your own Summer Bucket List spread for your Bullet Journal, any List spread will do great, but if you’re creative and you want to get some inspiration, you always can get creative and make one of your own.

This Summer I created one with some black and white drawing, some flowers and a check list of different activities to do during the Summer.

As a first step, I sketched with a pencil HB on the drawing.

Check the Staedtler HB Pencil on here!

As a second step I drew the ink drawing with a gel pen on

Check today’s price of Gel Pens on here!

As a third step I wrote a check list of the different activities I want to do during this Summer.

You’re free to copy it, and feel free to take it as an inspiration and make your own.

As a final step, you can add some color to it with some color pencils on or with some markers.

Check Today’s Price of the Prismacolor Colored Pencils Set on here!

Summer Bucket List 2020

Summer Calendar and Bucket List FREE Printable

Summer Calendar and Bucket List free printable

How To Stay Happy During The Summer

Summer is here and if you’re one of the lucky people who will have all Summer vacations, you can plan as many activities to do or as many as you have in your mind, but if you’re one that needs to keep working on your regular job and also you need to take care of the kids, here is some tips that might help you.

  1. Focus on the good
  2. Do something you love
  3. Love who you are now
  4. Go outside
  5. Enjoy the good moment’s life brings

Read Summer Bucket List 2018


Every Summer is different, and each one of us will be doing different thing’s, whether it is going on vacations and visit a new country or staying at home and keep working on a regular job, Summer always can bring joy and good moment’s.

Each one of us needs to do the best to make the most of it.

Make each day count!

Focus on the good and make the best of it.

Don’t forget you have in your hands the best tool to help you to make plans, get organized and make your life better every day.

Keep at it, not because it’s Summer you can stop setting new goals and making plans, life keeps going on, successful people always keep their planners and their agendas to make the best of every moment.

Use as many spreads on your Bullet Journal as you need to make the best from this Summer.

  • Weekly spreads
  • Monthly spreads
  • Summer Goals
  • Summer plans
  • Summer Bucket List
  • Summer To Do List
  • Gratitude Month Calendar
  • Doodle Month Calendar
  • Summer Vision Board

Make your plans, focus on the tasks and you’ll make the best Summer ever for you and for your family!

I thank you for stopping by to read my blog, if you want to take a look to more free printables, take a look here!

If you find this article helpful, give me a hand and spread the word, share my blog on your Social Media.

Summer Bucket List 2020

4 thoughts on “Summer Bucket List 2021”

  1. We did actually try and put a mini-summer bucket list together about two years ago when my son was three years old – we wanted to make the most out of the holiday period and create some lasting memories. 

    Unfortunately the dreaded Welsh summer weather kicked in and it turned from sun to rain, and remained that way for weeks. The list was pretty much ruined and we had to create new ideas that were based indoors (I strongly recommend bowling as it’s one of the few indoor activities left that is still actually quite cheap for a family!!!!). 

    1. Hi Chris,

      You are so right when you point that weather can change fast and make you to work on plan B.

      Right now in Canada, weather has not be the nicer, today it’s the first day of Summer and it’s clouded and fresh, jumping in the pool will need to wait .

      I will add also to my list Bowling, and I can try it for the first time, I’ll let you know how did it go!

  2. Wow! What a list you make in this post. On this list Rent a boat for a day, Visiting a town fair, Outdoor meal from a food truck, Visiting a new city, Going to the lake, Going swimming is I like most.
    I also love to go for a sky drive and water drive in summer. I think summer is perfect weather for sky drive and water drive.
    ‘Summer Bucket List 2019’ will helps us to make an enjoyable moment in the summer. Thank you very much for sharing excellent ideas to us.

    1. Hi Irin,

      You’re right, Summer is the perfect weather for anything you love to do outdoor, great ideas to add to the list, sky drive and water drive!

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