bullet journal May cover page

How To Set Up Next Month – Bullet Journal


A new month is almost here and it’s time to set up the new spreads on my Bullet Journal, it will take you a few minutes to work on it but it will save you lots of time while you work on your plans to achieve your dreams and goals.

You might be new to bullet journaling and you might think it requires a lot of time to set everything you need for a new month, but in reality the time you spend planning what you want to achieve next month and choosing the spreads you’ll be working on to work on your plans to make your dreams into reality is well spent time.

It won’t take you month than a half an hour to work on a new plan for next month, and to choose the spreads you want to add to your BuJo, everything will be set up to help you to be more productive and at the end you’ll get your goals achieved and more free time for you and for your family.

You will need three main spreads every month: the monthly, the weekly and daily spread.

I used to make the monthly layout one week before the month is over, and I work on it to move some appointments I’ve already marked down on my Future log or on the yearly calendar. This step is important so I don’t miss any appointment or event on this month.

If you’re a freelance it’s also a good idea to mark down any dead line you need to work on this month.

bullet journal mission board

Mission Board.

This month I want to add this new spread, I will write down some things I would like to work on during this month, like some personal projects I would love to start or some projects I have been keeping to work on them because I was “too busy” on other things.

There are a few personal projects I would love to achieve or some projects for the house I would love to find time to work on them. I mark them down on my BuJo I can find some time to work on them in advance.

  • Do some chores like Spring Cleaning.
  • Do the new painting on a room.
  • Start the garden.
  • Visit a new city or a new museum.
  • Write an e-book

When you have a project you would love to work on, a good idea it’s to mark down some time to work on it in advance, some times you can mark down a day to work on it but some times you can mark down a few hours to work on it, and it’s fine.

The best thing it’s to find time to work on your dreams and goals.

Weekly layout.

You can write down more specific things or task to work on here, make it simple and it will help you to over view everything you need to work on every week.

Highlight things, events or task important for you to work on or to attend.

Daily layout,

If your days are different from one to the next one and you need to do different things or task depending on the day, it’s a good idea to work with a daily layout.

Write down everything you need to work on by the hour and highlight important task to do, if you need to write down any note that will help you to remember everything you need to do this day, it’s important to take the time do work on it.

This month I want to add a few more spreads to my Bullet Journal.

bullet journal mood tracker may 2018

Mood track.

bullet journal - month future log

Month Future log.

This spread is similar to the yearly future log but it’s made for one month with 5 weeks to work on.

I will write down things I need to work on during the month as personal or work projects and event.

Spring is here now, and with it we’ll get better weather and I would love to spend more time outdoors.

Describe your day in one word.

This spread is new for me, and it won’t take me long to write down a word to describe my day, at the end of the month I will have a great overview of how my month went.

Gratitude monthly journal.

It’s always nice to be thankful, and the more we all focus on what we already have, we can find more reasons to be thankful.

You can add a gratitude layout to your BuJo and work on it every month.

Habit tracker.

Keep working on it, month by month and you’ll see great results at the end of every month.

Working to get new habits to help you to be and work better will help you to achieve the lifestyle of your dreams, keep at it.

Read more about why a habit tracker is a good idea.

bullet journal best tools
I work to design my Bullet Journal new spreads I have a few favorites tools, this time I used: (check for the best price at Amazon)

Steadler pigment liner 0.3

Bic Color Collection Markers
If you want to start your own Bullet Journal you can read some of the best notebooks to start working on it!

best bullet journal notebooks
Now it’s your turn, how do you used to organize next month? Let me know how you do it on a comment!


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