50 page ideas bullet journal

50 Pages Ideas Bullet Journal


When you think about how to work on planning your days you might want to find a system that helps you to work more efficiently, and give you the freedom you look for to set and achieve your goals in your own way.

This is why I love to work on my Bullet Journal, I’m getting to know more about myself, the way I work and the way I set the goals I want to achieve to improve my lifestyle, and I’m sure you will love it too.

After almost 4 years working almost everyday on my Bullet Journal, I can tell you this be one of the best tools you can use to help you to reach your goals!

There are so many ideas and templates of pages to add on it, every Bullet Journal is a personal tool to work on, you need to try some of these spreads and find which ones work better for you and for your needs for planning and work.

1. A yearly calendar – it’s always a good idea to get a yearly calendar to help you to plan and work more efficiently.

2. Your yearly resolutions (goals) – Whether your a fan or not of yearly resolutions, if you write them on a paper it will help you to remember them, and work on them during the year. At the end of the year you can know which ones you could achieve and which ones you didn’t, and why you didn’t.

This spread will help you to think about next years resolutions and make a plan to work on them during the year.

3. A future log – A spread where you can write a word or a few words to know what you’ll be working on during that month. You can write down on every month some important dates not to forget or some important events that will happen on that particular month.

4. Birthdays calendar – As families grow remember all birthdays that will happen on every month is harder, this spread will help you to remember each one of the birthdays and give them a call, send a text or buy a present for them.

5. Important contacts – Some Bullet Journals or planners will always stay at home, but some will be part of you and you’ll carry it with you all the time, be sure to write down some information just in case you forget it one day.

For Bullet Journals or planners that stays at home all the time, you can write some important contacts on a spread to help you find the right information to you or to some other family members in case of an emergency.

6. 5 year plan – As we all work on a Bullet Journal or a planner to change or improve our lifestyle, we should know that it will take some time to achieve our goals.

Make a plan for one year, three, and even 5 years, write down on each one what you want to achieve on every period of time, by doing this you can work to make a plan and strategy to achieve your goals.

7. Your monthly goals – Set your goals for next month, make a plan to work on each one of them and make it happen!

8. Your weekly goals – This spread will help you to know what tasks you need to work on to achieve your goals during next week.

9. A goal tracker – Any goal that you want to achieve to improve your life and your family lifestyle, if is not written on a paper is only a wish, don’t let this happen, write them down and work on a plan to achieve them.

10. A habit tracker – Any time you want to work on changing a habit or get a new habit, this page will help you to keep track of it. Free printable.

11. A spending log – It’s said wealthy people know about every penny they spend and how did they spend it, getting to know how you spend your money will help you to keep track of it more wisely.

12. A book to read list – Have you heard of a good book to read and then you can’t remember what book was it?, don’t let this happen, as soon as you know about a book you would love to read, write it down on this list.

13. A books read list – Be part of the people who love to read, you’ll be amazed on how many books you can read in a month or in a year!

14. A page with places you want to visit (map) – This could be a wish list that you can make it happen!

15. A page with places you’ve visited (map) – Visiting a new place is something that will always give you new experiences to live, write a line or more on a spread to keep those first impressions from that place forever!

16. Monthly memories – Things happen every day, and in a time passing it’s hard to remember those moments, it’s like a diary but you can work on it monthly, write the good moments and also the bad moments in it, one year after or many years after you can read again these spreads and they will bring back those memories to you.

17. Habits tracker – Success is not something that will happen by itself, you need to work on changing some habits or get new habits to reach your goals on anything you want to achieve, this spread will help you to focus on the new habits and be successful on them.

18. Sleep tracker – Sleep is important for anyone, keep this spread on your Bullet journal to help you to know how well you sleep every day, in case you don’t get too much sleep or quality sleep this spread will help you to keep track of it and you can talk with your family doctor to find the way to improve your sleep and sleeping time.

19. Exercise tracker – Today, exercise is the number 1 thing doctors will recommend almost to anyone, you can read many good articles about how good exercise is to anyone, whether your new to it or you do it as part of your daily routine, this spread will give you the motivation you need to keep at it.

20. Money saved tracker – This page will give you some happiness, it doesn’t matter if it is just a few dollars you can save or lots of them, getting to know how much money you could save in a month or a year is something good to know and it will give you the motivation to keep at it.

21. Mood tracker – If you want to know how your mood is on every day, this spread will give you a glance of your mood every month, and the best of it is you can work on it in a very creative way.

You can check some mood trackers here for February, March, April, May

22. Recurring tasks – Some tasks need to be done once in a while, but there are some tasks you need to do almost every single day, to help you to remember what you need to do this spread will give you the motivation to work on it.

23. Chores to do list – Just thinking about chores to do is something that can give anyone a not to nice a moment, I agree on it, but it has to be done, knowing in advance what is needed to do and how to do it, will help you to do it better and will save you some work to do.

24. Monthly menu ideas – Food products can change from one month to the next one, buying seasonal food products is always a good idea to save money and to help you to eat better, you can work to plan your monthly menu ideas in advance to help you to add seasonal food products fresh and saving you some money.

25. Weekly menu ideas – Thinking on what to cook every day can take lots of time and energy, taking some time to write a weekly menu idea will save you lots of time and energy.

Save these weekly menu ideas, and you can cook them again!

26. Groceries list – When you get stuck to a groceries list when you go shopping is something that can save you lots of time and money!

27. Favorite Recipes – Have you cooked something good, and next time you forget how you did it, this has happened to me often, keeping a favorite recipes spread save me a lot of time and it’s easy to find that particular recipe again.

28. Bucket list – A list of activities someone wants to do before he or she dies is often called a bucket list, because it is a list of things a person wants to do before they kick the bucket (Wikipedia)

29. Season activities to do list – Young and grown-ups love to know what to do, have you heard about some kids that say they don’t know what to do on week-ends or vacations, a season activities board or spread will provide you or your children with some great ideas to do every day!

30. Holiday plans – During the Holidays there are always a thousand things to do and everything should be done on the same day, when you work to plan your Holidays in advance you will know what to do each day and you’ll get everything done in time to enjoy the Holidays.

31. Gifts ideas – Birthdays or Holiday gifts ideas sometimes are a challenge, this is a good idea to keep on your planner or bullet journal.

32. Vacation plans – Taking some time for you or for your family to do something different, and enjoy some time doing something different is always good, and will give you the energy you need to go back to your routine.

Plan your vacations ahead of time, set your saving goals so it can happen, and work on it every day and every week.

33. Blogging ideas –

34. Blogging editorial calendar – When you learn to take a moment to sit down and work on your blog’s editorial calendar and plan your post for the next 3 or 6 months in advance, you can save a lot of time and avoid writers block.

35. Social Media sharing schedule – Sharing your blog’s content on Social Media will help you to get your content out to more readers, don’t share your content and then forget about doing it again, this spread will help you to be constant on Social Media.

36. Blog post ideas – New ideas can come up in your mind anytime, be sure you have a notebook always with you so you can write a word or a line so you can remember about a new idea for new content for your blog.

37. Blogging schedule – One important thing to work on when you have a blog is to write content often so your audience knows when you will be posting a new article to read again.

38. Blogging statistics – It’s important to know how your blog is doing, most of us blog because we would love to make money from it, more and more bloggers enjoy creating and sharing their content and would love to turn their blog into a full time online business.

Statistics are important for this purpose, you need to know how well your blog is doing to help you to plan next steps to work on.

39. Blogging success moments – Rinse and repeat, that is good advice to follow, every time your blog does something you’re proud of, be sure to write about it, how did you planned, and what did you do, how did you write that post, how did you shared on Social Media, so you can remember how you did it and you can do it again.

40. Blogging learning lessons. As blogging is changing every day, you’ll face new challenges every day, some of your blogging work will lead you to successful moments, but some work will not reach the success you might have hoped to reach, write about it so you can learn from those moments, might be a list of what not to do again or what to do in a different way.

41. References – A great way to keep a page where you can find the information you’re looking for.

42. Brainstorm ideas – A spread that will help you to get all your ideas on paper, don’t forget about anyone when working on a project, add some doodles on it, make it personal, make it your own way!

43. Product/service ideas – Do you want to start your own business, or in case you already have your own business, there’s always new ideas you want to try, or look for some information to help your business grow.

44. Work hours – When you work as freelance or as a self independent or on a project, you need to know how many hours you have been working on your project, don’t miss any hour, be sure to keep track of the time you work on every project.

45. Job application log – Keep a track on a follow up for a job application, it’s a great way to work on it.
46. Your planning routine – A dream without a plan is just a dream! Be sure you want to make those dreams a reality, make a plan and work on it.
48. A few photos/photo booth strips/tickets – A nice way to save those photos or those pictures about a great moment in your life.
49. Inspiration Quotes – It’s always handy to keep some inspiration quotes on your planner, find the right motivation to keep working on your project.



A Bullet Journal be one of the best tools that will help you to achieve anything you want to in your life.

Add to it any page you find that will help you to keep working on a project you want to achieve, anything you want to keep on it.

Make it yours, make it your own way and style, there are almost no rules, add color on it, add some doodles, make it pretty and make it work for you.

If you have any questions about this article, please leave a comment I will reply to you.

You can read also:

How To Set Up Next Month – Bullet Journal

7 Benefits of Bullet Journalism

How to be more successful – Bullet Journal

You can find some great notebooks here to start your own Bullet Journal today!

get your bullet journal here

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50 page ideas bullet journal


4 thoughts on “50 Pages Ideas Bullet Journal”

  1. Hi Alejandra,

    This is such a great post! This popped up at the perfect time! I recently got diagnosed with adult ADHD and this seems like the perfect journal to keep myself organized. I cannot think of a single category it doesn’t cover. I love how it takes care of the day-to-day tasks, but also long term tasks and goals. And also encourages you to take emotional care of yourself. Great find!

    Thanks and all the best 🙂

  2. Oh my goodness so in love with this. I have always kept a notebook for journaling and my daily things to do list however what great ideas you have to include so many more things. I truly believe your right about if you just think it and not write it down it’s just a wish. I definitely will be purchasing a notebook to include a lot more things. Thanks for this post I’m sure it will inspire a lot of people to start journaling as well.

  3. So in love with this post. You have SO many great ideas on things to write about and am truly inspired. Also love that you included many great notebooks to get started. I have always kept a notebook for journaling and my daily things to do list however what a great way to include more things like a calendar and monthly’/yearly goals. I to believe if you don’t write your dreams and goals down it just becomes a wish. Writing is very powerful and thank you for helping us all remember this. Again great post!

  4. AnxietyPanda

    Wow, what a handy journal! Only question I have is – Where can I get one??

    My mind is constantly busy with all sorts of thoughts and I NEED to take notes and keep track of everything, this journal will be the perfect all-in-one, and I won’t lose a loose note or misplace a notepad again!

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