Monthly Setup - July - Bullet Journal

Monthly Setup – July – Bullet Journal


Monthly setup July, Summer Joy.

The second half of the year will begin soon and it’s time to get your Bullet Journal spreads for July ready, the front cover, the future log, mood tracker and habit tracker, steal my spreads ideas!

As the end of June will be here in a few days, it’s a good idea to take a few minutes to work on the new spreads for next month.

When you get used to getting organized to write down your goals and task to work with a clear mindset to get a better lifestyle, your Bullet Journal becomes the best tool you can have all the time right next to you.

By doing, it, you will need to sit down just one time to write everything you would like to accomplish this month, no more worries later about “what should I do” or “what do I need to do better in life”

Don’t be afraid to set big goals… you can achieve anything you want to in life.

The secret to become a successful person and achieve each one of your goals is to learn how to get organized and make a plan of action.

When you wish for something and you see the time goes by and you don’t reach the success point you want to reach, don’t worry, all you need is a plan of action with specific task to work on, and you will see how you can work on your task one by one and your goal will be closer to you every day.

Monthly spreads for your Bullet Journal.

If you have been here before, you know I like to set up my Bullet Journal a few days before the current month ends, you can see here my monthly spreads for:

Today it’s time I share the new monthly spreads for July, it’s Summer, and it might be time to think about going outdoors and have some Summer Joy, do you have your Summer Bucket List ready?

Month Cover, Calendar, and Future log.

Monthly Setup - July - Bullet Journal

A cover page for July will welcome you to work on a new month, new ideas, new plans, new goals.

You can accomplish anything you want to!

A goal that is never written on paper, it’s just a dream.

Make it happen, make a plan and work to set up the strategies and task you need to work to reach that goal, it doesn’t matter if it’s a big or small goal, don’t let the wind take it away.

Don’t be afraid to write down on your planner or your Bullet Journal anything you want to have in your life, a better lifestyle, but not just better, write it down exactly what you want… a bigger house, the job you always dream to have, travel to visit that country you always wanted to visit, learn a new language, be the person you want to be, inspire others to have a better life.

Use your planner and Bullet Journal to write down everything you dream about, it will become your best tool to work on. Nothing happens just because, not even in the Law of Attraction, it’s true that it works pretty good but you also need to take action.

A new month is always a new chance to take a moment to check on your goals and check on your plans and strategies, if something is not working the way you wanted it to, never change your goals, but take a moment to make some changes on your plans and strategies to help you to achieve your goals.

Use highlight markers to add some color to your goals and steps or task you need to work on, check it daily or weekly and keep at it, you’ll be amazed on how good a simple notebook that has turned into a Bullet Journal, will help you to work and achieve any of your dreams and goals.

Mood Tracker

Monthly Setup - July - Bullet Journal

Keep track of your mood has become important lately for many people, it’s a good idea to check on how good or how bad you can feel, keeping an eye on it can help you to notice any change of your mood and get the right help you need before you feel bad.

It’s also a good idea to keep your mood tracker on your Bullet Journal, and make the best of it, a new idea for every month, and make it simple and pretty, as you keep adding color to it, it will look nicer!

You could add some doodles to the flags to, If you make this mood tracker, don’t forget to let me know on a comment below, if you publish it on your blog, I would love to see it.

Habit Tracker

Monthly Setup - July - Bullet Journal

This habit tracker will help you to change some habits that has stopped you to accomplish a goal you want to achieve, don’t try to change many things in your life at the same time, it’s better when you work on one habit change at a time.

It can take a month to get a new habit, and keep at it, add a new habit change every month and you’ll see how easy can it be.

Some habits that you can try could be: eating healthier, 30 minutes of exercise, wake up earlier, read 30 minutes, start your own blog.


In case you wonder what liner and colored pencils I used to draw and design my Monthly Setup for my Bullet Journal, you can take a look on My Favorite Bullet Journal Tools.

This time I’m working on a small notebook to turn it into a Bullet Journal, I’m happy to share that this notebook has a great quality and I can work so great when I’m making some doodles and drawings with ink, pencil and liners with no problem at all.

It’s light to carry all the time with me, it lays flat and it allows me to work so easily, it has become my favorite notebook!

If you want to copy my monthly spreads, go ahead, the drawings are easy to copy and they will help you to practice doing some new spreads for your own Bullet Journal.

I thank you for your visit and I would like to ask you if you have a favorite notebook to work on your Bullet Journal or do you like to buy a Bullet Journal with all the spreads already there and ready just to fill them out.

Now be awesome and share this post on your social media, some of your friends would love to get new ideas for their journals.


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