Month setup Bullet Journal August

Month Setup Bullet Journal – August

Once more is time to take some time to work on the new month spreads, August will be here in a few days and you can make the most of it.

Start planning your month and don’t miss any appointments, set up your strategy to achieve all your goals.

Before a month comes to an end, I take some time to get the new spreads I’ll use for the new month on my Bullet Journal.

This month, I took some time to visit my family in Toluca and Puebla in Mexico, I spent 5 weeks with them, having great time with my children and grand children and little free time to blog, (I apologize for that), as I’m back home in Canada it’s time I keep on my blogging tasks and keep working on my Bullet Journal.

As you can see, I’m currently working on a great A5 notebook as my Bullet Journal, I blogged about it and I’m really happy about its quality and its size and weight makes it perfect as a light Bujo or personal planner to carry with you all the time!

I bought the one with lined paper, you can find also the dotted paper, but it’s a little expensive, I just wanted to work on a lined paper and check how good does it work, and I can say it works great, I’m so happy I bought the Fabriano notebook!

fabriano notebook




While I was traveling I kept working on my Monthly spreads:

  • Month Cover.
  • Future log
  • Habit Tracker
  • Mood Tracker

When I work on these spreads for a new month, I like to do it on a dotted paper, as this notebook has lined paper I just glued a couple of A5 dotted paper on two pages on this notebook and fold in the middle each dotted paper, it works perfect!

Month Setup Bullet Journal August

August Cover Month.

I like to try new things for each month cover, August 2018 cover spread is made with one big Capital A, and I draw some cosmos flowers with some leaves and some small flowers to draw the negative space to highlight the Capital A.

You can get inspired by this design and you have my permission to copy it. Add something on your own and you’ll make an original for your Bullet Journal.

Month Setup Bullet Journal August

Future Log

I like to keep it simple, just the title and some space for each week, I’ll write down some notes on each week like appointments, and some plans I have in mind to work on this month.

month setup Bullet Journal August

Mood Tracker.

Something simple for this new month, a sky full of stars, I will add some yellow color on each star from light yellow to dark yellow and maybe a little orange to match my mood on this month.

Feeling like you want to get some stars on your Bullet Journal?

Drawing stars is not hard to do, follow the same steps I do when I did my new mood tracker with 31 stars!

how to draw a star

You can check here the tools I use to draw anything on my Bullet Journal 🙂

They are not hard to draw, just follow the steps I follow and you can draw as many stars as you want to and they all will be almost perfect!

Habit Tracker.

What would you like to achieve this new month?

From getting rid of some weight to make more extra money or to learn a new language, a habit tracker will help you always to achieve any goals you have in your mind.

The secret is to make some new habits, it doesn’t work if you want to lose 10 pounds in one week but it’ll work perfect if you make some change on your eating habits every day, little changes last longer and they are always easier to do day after day.

Don’t run 10 km one day and never go again out for a walk, you’ll get more chances to get healthier and fitter if you start walking even 5 minutes per day, add a couple of minutes every week and before you notice you’ll be walking 30 minutes and even 45 minutes every day.

I did that, and I’m happy I did it, I got used to walking 30 to 45 minutes per day, on my visit to my family, my sister and a couple of friends told me I looked better and fitter, I’ve lost a little more of 10 pounds and I feel much better.

Little habit changes work better in the long term, keep at it and you’ll see the results in a couple of months, and you won’t get back to bad habits again.

A habit tracker doesn’t need to be a fancy one, it just need to help you to keep on the new habit.

Let me know on a comment below, what habit you want to get this new month.

This month, I would love to add some celebrations to keep on your mind to help you to plan for this new month, if you have a blog, you might want to know about what you can write about in advance, plan your month and make the most of it.

August 2018 Celebrations.

August 2018, Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:

1 National Girlfriends Day

1 National Mountain Climbing Day

2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

3 National Watermelon Day

4 National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

5 International Forgiveness Day – First Sunday in August

5 Sisters Day – First Sunday in August

15 Relaxation Day

26 Women’s Equality Day

29 More Herbs, Less Salt Day

31 Eat Outside Day


Planning a new month has never been so easy before, since I work on my Bullet Journal, it only takes one hour per month to get the new spreads I’ll use this new month.

You can use these ideas to draw the new spreads on your BuJo. It doesn’t need to be perfect, it only needs to be you and help you to achieve your monthly goals.

You can get more ideas from last months:

One good thing about a Bullet Journal is that you can get as creative as you want to while you plan a new month spreads, one month can be totally different from the rest or just make a few changes and you’ll get your new month setup ready in a few minutes.

Check the Fabriano notebook latest price on Amazon:

fabriano notebook 

Do you like to get a totally different month cover for every month?

Get some ideas here:

Now, be awesome and share this article!!

Month sepup Bullet Journal August


6 thoughts on “Month Setup Bullet Journal – August”

  1. Alejandra, you have restored my faith in a lost art and tool, drawing and a pencil! I started reading your article and though, no, she’s not hand drawing but as I read on you filled me in on the and why you do it!

    Have you always had a desire to do something around drawing?

  2. Hi Alejandra,

    The planner with the big A on it seems nice but has a lot of flowers around it which is a little too girly for me. Do you any recommendations for men that want something simple? I like the future log section too because of all the space for writing. Is there a plain black or blue version?

    1. Hi Julian,

      I thank you for taking the time to read my blog and write a comment, you’re so right, I will work on a few ideas for the Bullet Journal month cover spreads for men! Maybe some lines or circles will do a good design!

      You can find a black Fabriano notebook too, (affiliate link)

  3. I’m not great at staying this organized. I always buy a yearly planner and think how great it would be to use it but I soon forget about it. Most of my appointments I just keep in my phone calendar. Is this journal for artists? Does come blank, needing to be decorated and created by the user? I like the idea of a habit tracker. I would love to learn a new language. I started while in school this past winter, but stopped when the class ended. I would love to pick it up again. I would also love to learn to sew.

  4. Hello Alejandra,

    This is indeed a very creative way of having an organizer. I just feel like if I had planner like this I would be so motivated to write stuff in there.

    That is a general issue for me with the planner as I can’t get used to having close to me all the time and when I have some great idea, I am like Nah I will remember. Well never works, will definitely use some of the tips from Habit tracker, looks like this might be a way to go. Thanks

  5. I was looking for ways to organize my blogging schedule when I came across your site. Paper and pen have always been the mainstay for me, but this season, I am looking to spike things up a little with some creative organizing.

    I like the idea that you are sharing here. It’s inexpensive and serve the purpose very well. I will give it a try this coming August.

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