Monthly setup Bullet Journal Hello Summer

Monthly Setup – June – Hello Summer


Time flies fast and a new month is just around the corner, it’s time to take sometime to make the new spreads for your Bullet JournalHello June.

June is a month that will welcome Summer, a time of the year that marks the middle of a period on which most of the people make some goals and plans to work.

The mark of six months brings the opportunity to take a look to your resolutions and take a look how good you have been working to achieve those goals you want to meet by the end of the year.

Resolutions can be popular at the end of December, and they can vanish into the air to disappear in the air in most of the cases and life will not change unless you want to keep working on those resolutions, small and big.

The Bullet Journal or a personal planner will be the best tool to help you to achieve anything you want to in life, so it’s time to get everything ready to welcome a new month and keep working to get the best of life.

Setting a new month on your Bullet Journal.

As you might know by now if you have been following me, I like to make a month cover page for every month, I like to draw it by myself.

I use to take a morning or an afternoon to work on the new month spreads ready before the new month is here.

It doesn’t take long to work on it, I have some tools to help me to work on it, I try to keep the same design but I also allow myself to do some changes.

I like to get almost the same monthly spreads for every month:

  • Month cover
  • Mood Tracker
  • Habit Tracker
  • Future log
  • Month calendar

You can take a look to the month set up I did for:

This month I will share with you some steps I did to draw the month cover:

I use regular A4 paper in white, I make a copy on it from a dotted paper for Bullet journaling, it makes easier for me to work on a dotted paper to draw tables and straight lines.

The steps I follow are:

You can take a look to the tools I use to design and work on my new monthly spreads here.

1 I make a first sketch with a pencil and a ruler, and I keep an eraser close on my work table.

bullet journal month cover spread

2 When I’m happy with the sketching with pencil, I re do all the lines with an ink liner

bullet journal month cover spread


3 To add some color on the cover month page, I decided this time to work with some markers from Bic Color collection, I love to work with these markers as when the ink dries it doesn’t look like it was made with markers, color is solid as it was made by a printer.

First layer was made with light yellow and light green.

bullet journal month cover spread

4 I added a second layer with a light blue marker in some flowers.

bullet journal month cover spread

5 The third layer was made with a light orange marker.

bullet journal month cover spread

6 As a final layer I worked with some colored pencil, just adding some shades and some touches here and there.

bullet journal month cover spread

7 June Month cover is ready to be added to my Bullet Journal.

[bctt tweet=”Easy Step to Monthly Setup – Bullet Journal.” username=””]

It didn’t take long to made it, at the same time I worked on the rest of the spreads for this new month, but I didn’t add any color on them as I will be working on them as the days come.

I will be working to add some information on these new monthly spreads to get everything ready before June 1st.

How do you prepare your Bullet Journal for a new month?

Do you like to draw something for the new monthly spreads by yourself or do you prefer to search on the internet for some free or paid monthly spreads?

Ready to start your own Bullet Journal? Find yours here!

Thanks for your time to stop and read my blog. I will get more from my Bullet Journal to share it with you soon!


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Monthly Setup - June - Hello Summer

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